Simple rice sensory bottle

When our little one was 9-10 months old, we travelled to Europe to visit family. We only took a couple of favourite (easily replaceable, easily packed, lightweight) toys. So, of course, we had to get a bit creative. 

This beautiful, small, blue plastic water bottle was given to us on the plane. For a considerable amount of journey time , it was the best toy ever! - Both with water and without, in fact, as a bonus, it changed it's sound and weight when shaken with different amounts of water. The size and shape of this bottle was perfect for his little hands too.

With a couple of spoons of rice added, 6-7 months later... the bottle survives as a long time favourite, with or without music - plane, car, pram, anywhere! Absolute gold!!

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If you enjoyed this post, you may also like to check these out from Kids' Play Space:
Sensory Shaker Bottles
Tummy Time Disco Magic 
Suitcase Baby Gym

Thanks for visiting Kids' Play Space!
happy playing!
'til soon,
Anna :-) 

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