New toy of the day...
So we bought a second car seat - for my parents' car... but that was not nearly as exciting as the box it came in!! It only took 10-15 minutes (as long as our 'pita pizzas' were in the oven cooking), to roughly cut out some holes, flaps and doors and seal the rough edges with a bit of tape, and we are well and truly getting our money's worth!
I usually pop the box in a different nook or corner each day (inside or outside), and little Master B. can be randomly heard scuffling about independently for anything between a minute or two - to 1/4 hour at a time (longer if someone is around to play hide and seek or 'peek-a-boo' with him!) at least daily, sometimes a few times each day. Working out how to negotiate his body through the doors and openings is great for visual motor coordination, and different movements are required to be problem solved depending on which side the box is positioned, providing lots of learning opportunities!
He also likes to toss toys in through the holes at the top....just because!
(Please excuse the poor quality photos - life was moving pretty fast at the time, so they are all a bit on the blurry side!!)
I really hope you enjoyed this activity idea - for other super easy and fun cubby houses, you may like to check out these also from Kids' Play Space:
Outdoor Puppet Theatre
Portable Cubby House
Thanks for visiting Kids' Play Space!
Happy playing,
'til soon,

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