Super baby!!
Recently Master B went to a little friend's 'super baby' themed birthday - it was gorgeous and the kids had a lovely time being, well, 'super'!
Meanwhile, I was glowing with pride at my first ever attempt at sewing anything other than a 'scrunchie' (year 7 textiles class) or a button. To be perfectly honest, I'm not even so flash at sewing buttons back on - which inevitably pop off again after a bit! My mother is a fabulous dressmaker, as is my brother - both having studied fashion and design. Consequently, I usually hand any little repairs straight over to them, complete with clothes pegs indicating how short trouser legs should be taken up ( - I really must get myself a set of sewing pins one day).
I don't know what got into me the night before this party. I think I just felt terribly responsible to get a cape organised for my little superhero - and - well, it was too late in the piece to call for family back up. It may have taken me the entire length of the film "Snow White and the Huntsman" (great little flick by the way), and a number of needle pricks to the fingers, but I'd say it was mission accomplished!
1 x red pillow case (how fortuitous to find one in our linen cupboard!)
1 x length of thick-ish elastic to thread through the collar (found on the never used outside section of a day pack, thought of in an attempt to avoid strangulation - hey, it should stretch!)
A needle and some thread, and a pair of scissors (I did try without the scissors - not recommended)
Some ribbon
Heaps of super mummy love :-)
How to:
I simply hand sewed (roughly and not so prettily) two lines at the open end of the pillow case either side of the elastic (to save having to thread through later and to keep me relatively straight, in the absence of pins!)
Then, I secured the ribbon in a large letter form - of course, a "B" for Super Master B!!
He had fun... and paired it with random cooking utensils etc, as we are still cooking obsessed!
So, if I can do it - absolutely ANYONE can!!!
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Thanks for visiting Kids' Play Space!
'til soon,
Anna :-)

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