
Almost every day includes a little trainspotting for us! The excitement is gorgeous to see on our 2 year old's face; as is the explosion of sounds "ta-ta.. ta-ta.. ta-ta.. ta-ta" (rolling) , "dort-dort" (toot toot!), "tshhhhhhhhhhh...." (braking), "ding ding ding ding" (boom gates signal); the wheels, tracks, lights, and gates; jumping up and down and waving hello and goodbye to the driver; and the train version of "The Wheels On The Bus" song!

The wheels on the train go round and round.....
The driver of the train goes toot toot toot.....
The gates at the station go up and down....
The bells at the station go ding dong ding....
The mums on the train go chatter chatter chatter...
The dads on the train go nod nod nod...
The kids on the train go wriggle wriggle wriggle...
The babies on the train go wah wah wah...

It's almost disappointing when we are not stopped at the boom gates by a train! Rather than feeling irritated or frustrated by the inconvenience of having to wait for a train to pass when out driving somewhere, we love to turn the radio off, wind the windows down and enjoy the show! We've even been known to take a pit stop in the middle of the city when crossing from one side to the other, filling a highly sought after parking spot meter with whatever loose coins we have at hand, and checking out the view from the bridge over the city's busiest train station - just for kicks and giggles:-) And actually taking a train ride... wow!!!

... and it's even better fun with a friend or two :-)

For loads and loads of wonderful train ideas for little engineers... you must check out Play Trains!


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