100 FREE Kids' Play Spaces, Toys, Activities & Resource ideas!
For a full listing of wholesome, free goodness, you can always click on the label "FREE" on the home page of www.kidsplayspace.blogspot.com; or jump to the list directly by clicking here! Why am I so excited about 100 FREE posts? ... I don't believe any child should be disadvantaged in developing and learning through play, and am passionate about keeping play simple and accessible!
12 months ago, I made the quickest, easiest little stove/cooker in the world out of recycled bits and bobs for our 15 month old boy... I can't believe that it is STILL one of his favourite things to play with! Follow the link here for full DIY details.
12 months ago, I made the quickest, easiest little stove/cooker in the world out of recycled bits and bobs for our 15 month old boy... I can't believe that it is STILL one of his favourite things to play with! Follow the link here for full DIY details.
In celebration of this milestone, and also, perhaps because I feel a little embarrassed about how my initial DIY efforts look a year on, I decided to 'pimp' up the original stove/cooker a bit! (If I'd known it was going to be around more than a year later I would have put a bit more effort into it at the outset!!)
...And the freshly gift wrapped version (old silver Christmas paper - for a 'stainless steel appliance look'!), complete with shiny, old CDs for stove top burners looks set to continue being a winning toy in our 2 year old's play space! *Note: glued down CDs looked much better than the tape we ended up with... but they were no where near durable enough! (read: easily ripped
Thanks for visiting Kids' Play Space,
Happy playing!
'til soon,
Anna :-)
[Be sure to follow along on Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ for all our Kids' Play Space updates!]
...And the freshly gift wrapped version (old silver Christmas paper - for a 'stainless steel appliance look'!), complete with shiny, old CDs for stove top burners looks set to continue being a winning toy in our 2 year old's play space! *Note: glued down CDs looked much better than the tape we ended up with... but they were no where near durable enough! (read: easily ripped

Thanks for visiting Kids' Play Space,
Happy playing!
'til soon,
Anna :-)
[Be sure to follow along on Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ for all our Kids' Play Space updates!]

Love it. X