Blue bath- A week of BLUE: Part 2

Baths have always been a fun play space for our little boy, as you can see here. So it was an easy decision to make bath time our 2nd super quick and easy activity to celebrate and learn about the colour BLUE! It took no time at all to fill a bucket with blue objects collected from around the house suitable for a blue themed bath. I was actually really surprised how much blue we possess! (Our other colour focussed activities will be much lighter on the number and variety of objects front I feel!)
After a long day at work, the only additional preparation required was to add BLUE food colouring to a squirter bottle of water and bubbles to the bath. Then my little play partner in crime, B, had fun spraying the blue water, turning the white tiles and the bath BLUE! (Thankfully, no permanent colouring took place!)
We displayed all the items up one end of the bath, so that they had to be asked for - creating lots of opportunities for new words to be practised, and plenty of talking points about how each and every object was, well, BLUE! There was a lot of pouring, scooping, squirting, hiding and discovering under the bubbles....
Finally, we had a bit of fun throwing BLUE balloons in the air and over the edge of the bath to each other.
The verdict? ...The look of surprise and delight when B entered the bathroom and saw the colour theme set-up was priceless, and he really loved selecting (and throwing) blue bits into his bath across the whole week. For me, it was great to be able to fit in a fun activity after work!
You can also check out all the fun details from part 1 of BLUE week: play dough- here, and part 3: ice block boats: here !
Thanks for visiting Kids' Play Space!
I really hope you enjoyed this post,
'til soon,
Anna :-)
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